Friday, 1 November 2013


Kids are so inquisitive they always have something going on in their mind. . I feel the best way to talk to children is through nature. We happen to cross a tree every day. It is a place, we stop for some time, due to traffic. 

While we wait, my daughter asked me, why have all the leaves of this tree have fallen off? Is the tree dead? Cute are these questions! Well, I never miss an opportunity, I said, it is indeed a good question, the tree looks lifeless, it looks dead, and Allah has explained this question of yours in the Quran and tells us to think and reason. 

Allah says, He gives life to the land, after it is dead just like after we die Allah will give us life again in the hereafter and you will see in a few days that this tree will again bare leaves and will again look full of life, In’ sha’Allah. It was excitement for them and I suppose a challenge as well to see, if what mum said was right or wrong. ..

"Have you noticed how easily agitated, weak, and irritable you get when you are so sleepy, hungry, and thirsty all at once? Similarly the heart, soul, and mind weaken when they are deprived from communication and connection with their Creator. Feelings of restriction and gloominess overcome the heart, and its ability to feel diminished as if drowns in sin."

“Islam didn't make it Haram for you to fall in love. It didn't forbid you from wanting someone. It only guides that love so it protects you, her, your families and especially saves you from humiliation on judgment day. If you love her so much, why are you OK with letting her engage in this questionable relationship knowing full well that she will have to answer Allah just like you will. You don’t love her enough to save her from that?”

- Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

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